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Mineral Processing

Efficiency, efficacy, environment – the 3 E’s of modern mineral processing. 

Modern mineral processing applications require more product to be produced from lower-grade ores for less cost without impacting the environment.

As the sector becomes more crowded, demand for resources like power and water drives up cost. Mineral processing at scale requires large volumes of water for  processing, cooling, tailings management and dust suppression.

WTS makes water work in mineral processing by applying engineering and chemistry expertise via our four-phase solution development process.

WTS’s philosophy of tailored chemistry aims to deliver the greatest value by accurately defining the process challenges, then only applying what is needed to generate the desired outcome.

We understand your goal of reducing operational costs through mitigating required maintenance, optimising your chemical spend, conserving water and energy, and improving impact on the environment. We typically employ our proprietary process control and sensing technologies for optimising applications.

We have an extensive collection of chemistry tools including but not limited to various mineral processing aids, antiscalants, binders, dust control aids, flocculants and coagulants, defoamers, reverse osmosis membrane treatments, rheology modifiers, specialty dewatering aids, tailings treatment aids and more.

The tools applied depend entirely on your inputs and required outcomes. WTS’ philosophy of tailored chemistry makes water work for you by defining the challenge, then applying only what is needed to achieve the desired outcome in a targeted approach – this is where WTS delivers value.

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